One Life Kitchen

Fasting from Snacking

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This past week we entered into the season of Lent. For many Catholics and Christians alike, fasting is something associated with Lent. Many times you will hear the question what are giving up for Lent? And then comes the internal question of what can I really be successful at giving up for 40 days … cause trust me the catholic guilt is real when you mess up!! 

One of my favorite things I enjoy is food (no surprise there!) I often catch myself snacking on food throughout the day  So for me, food fasting is something I rather not take on.  But this persistent internal voice was trying really hard to convince me to give up snacking and eventually that voice won. 

So how do you just stop snacking?

Here are a few tips I put together for myself to make sure I get through the next 40 days snack-free!

  • you must wake up reminding yourself of this intention.  Focus one day at a time. Habits are hard to break.
  • Make sure to have three daily meals that are filling and are on a routine time schedule. 
  • Stay hydrated. You feel more full when you drink water plus often times it’s being dehydrated that causes you to want to eat. 
  • Use mouth wash after a meal … seriously for me fresh breath stops me from post meal snaking.
  • Chew gum. 
  • Be mindful of your grocery store purchases. If you don’t buy it you can’t eat it. 
  • Replace the urge to snacking with something else - like going out for a walk or making a personal or business phone call … cause we all know eating while talking isn’t good manners! 
  • Identify times/activities where you are most often wanting to snack and acknowledge your fast promise that if I choose to do…. I won’t snack. 
  • Avoid the kitchen … I know easier said then done. But changing the environment of an activity (tv watching or social media scrolling) to a part in your home that’s further from the kitchen really does help. 
  • Have someone hold you accountable.

While fasting is most often associated with food it can also be associated with giving up something that you enjoy, something that is perhaps not serving you well.

Regardless your religious stance I think fasting is a discipline that we should all practice from time to time. While no discipline is enjoyable at the moment, in the long term it really does nourish the body, mind and soul. 

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